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The Bling Your Bra Charity Auction

Since the creation of this unique event, notoriety has grown considerably! From a small gathering 8 years ago that raised only $1000, to the standing room only crowd of 2018 that netted $13000 in one hour, this event is not to be missed! 

The creativity runs wild with the bras that come in each year, from flashing lights and the airline pilots that model them, to the bras stuffed with matching 50inch LCD TVS and free airline tickets, every year, the bra creations are sure to impress...and draw a crowd!

Everyone in the community is invited to participate in this auction from designing a bra to submitting items for the tricky tray and silent auction. This family friendly even has seen the likes of Disney characters, the Penn State Nittany Lion (who always offers up a free pair of game tickets to go with a lucky bra), and even bras created by 11 year old volunteers who have been designing not for 7 years. Some create a bra in honor of a loved one, and some create ones that highlight their business...all for the cause that touches us all.

October 1 2015 274.JPG.jpg

Know someone famous that can sign a bra for event for 2018? Feel free to have then sign a new bra...(get a picture too!) and submit the bra to Dr. Susan (452 Manor Drive, Nazareth PA 18064)!

The past auctions have seen bras signed by the Jonas Brothers, Straight No Chaser, Misha Collins, Susan Buckner, Cody Simpson, Alan Ruck, Christine Elise McCathy, and even the Washington REDSKINS...just to name a few!!!


Do you have what it takes to create the winning bra for the auction? For 2017, the winning bra took in $1000! Mike Dalton from Brown Daub Chevy was the Real Man who modeled the winning bra signed by the Flying Elvis's.  In 2018, our Bra Queen was Dennis Hower, and the winning bid for his bra was $3750! His bra was a personal creation, hand made by Dennis!  Who will the 2019 Bra Queen be? Wear the bra the garners the highest bid, and that honor is yours! 


Want to BLING A BRA?  Join in on the fun? Get started now!

Submit your bra by October 10, 2021!

All bras must be submitted prior to the event so they can be tagged, inventoried, and added to the auction list. 


How to get involved?

It's easy!  Find a bra, decorate a bra, and enter it into the auction. (We have found that hot glue works the best)


If you can't find a  male model to model your creation off this year, don't worry!!  We have our local DJ's from B104, a few amazing friends...and maybe a few surprise guests too!  

If you would like to donate gift cards and prizes to go WITH the bras, we welcome those donations too! Help us help those who have been diagnosed, and help us make a difference!

(610) 417-2448

2024, Susan and the Bakery Team

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